Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fast weight loss tips

Can one lose weight fast? What are the fastest ways of losing weight? These are some of the questions asked by many people. Most of them rely on the media on the ways of losing weight, which has led to misinformation or misinterpretation.
There’s a big difference between being overweight or having the right weight. The right weight depends with the person, some may want to lose weight; to fit in a dress especially for occasions like weddings, summer and needs to show off some skin, to impress a spouse or because of professional reasons depending on the career field. 
Is there a right amount of weight that a person should lose every week? Well, for me an average person should try to lose about 2 or 3 pounds a week when eating or working out correctly. That’s healthy, good, safe, smart and effective amount to lose. There are health risks of losing more than that a week as this means you are losing muscle not fat which isn’t good.
Pills and products promise fast weight loss and also back their claims, showing before and after pictures of people who have lost their weight in a very short time. These pictures are FAKE!! They are either a perfect body with a different face or same person but taken about five years not the claimed 4-6 weeks.
My favorite weight loss deception is the television commercials’ claiming that losing weight has to do with calories intake. This is a lie, losing excessive weight only has to do with reducing acidic residue in your body that leads to accumulation of fat tissue.
The fastest three ways of losing weight are;
  1. Flush out the toxins; undergoing a detox diet to flush out the toxins clog up the colon and poison your body is the fastest way to losing weight. Your body isn’t designed to digest everything taken so just like an engine needs to be greased up, your body needs to be cleaned up a little bit.
  2. Restore your alkaline balance; improper balanced diet leads to accumulation of an acidic residue that leads to diseases and obesity. Most high protein foods and genetically modified foods have a high acidity level than your body. Your body reacts by producing fat to stick to the acids to return your system to the normal pH. If you take food with less acids your system’s need for fat decreases hence you losing weight.
Exercise to increase your metabolism; this helps you to burn the fat caused by acidic residue hence losing weight.
Weight loss can’t be achieved in 1,2 or 7 days, it’s needs consistency, determination and hard work because it’s a gradual change that your body needs to adapt to so as to achieve the desired results.   

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