Sunday, January 30, 2011

10 truths about online dating

Does the idea of online dating seem interesting and captivating to you? Whether you have already tried to find your beloved using the Internet or not, do not do anything until you read the following important tips. They can help you in your future decisions related to this field of online dating.
1. The perfect picture ... or maybe not
Do not fall in love with his/her picture. In nine of 10 cases the person you are chatting with online will look worse in the real life. Do not take any decision until you meet the person face to face.
2. Waiting list
The guy or girl with a cute picture can be that ‘1 in 10’ that never gives you a call. In most of the situations, he/she has a waiting list and it is completely recommendable to move on to the next person.
3. Attraction
If you fall in love only after talking to him/her by mail or messenger, that does not mean that you will share the same feeling when you see each other face to face. Attraction is an essential factor in a relationship. Once you feel comfortable online, scheduling a face to face meeting is completely recommendable.
4. Fight for survival
Do not take it personally if the other person begins to make all kinds of remarks related to your favorite books, movies, music or other sensitive topics. For now, be as peaceful as possible! 
5. The other girls/guys
Do not expect him/her to remove the instant messaging account after having had a successful faceto face meeting with you. Be honest with yourself and do not let jealousy take over you.
6. Online princes and princesses
On online dating sites you will usually find ordinary guys/girls who are looking for a partner, but you will also find nerds, weird or desperate persons. Get ready to also communicate with some members of these categories. In time, you will start to figure out how to read them properly.
7. Fierce competition
The strong recommendation for you is to stop watching the other girls/guys social network profiles and compare yourself to them! This will not do any good.
8. Tracking
You write and he/she does not answer. In a situation like this one, stop flooding your online lover with messages, comments or any other similar things. If he/she is really interested, you will eventually receive a positive answer.
9. Know your limits
There is a huge difference between consuming a glass of wine at a date to get rid of stress and drinking until you do not know who you are anymore. Always watch your actions, especially in the presence f strangers!

10. Remember to be realistic
Maybe a complicated mechanism of the website will indicate that you are 100% compatible, but be careful not to take the veil! If you look at all the "details" presented in his/her profile, probably under 50% of the information will really match.

And finally, the most important advice: make sure you are safe and not disclose your personal information to anyone (phone number, address, even email address).

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